Commitment to diversity
LifeView Group is committed to a diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace in which team members, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sexual orientation or identity, education, military, veteran status or disability, feel valued and respected.
We are committed to providing equal opportunities for employment and advancement in all of our departments, programs, and worksites. LifeView Group is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive environment with equitable treatment for all, in order to better understand and meet the needs of our clients/customers, LifeView Group strives to do the following:
- See diversity, inclusion, and equity as connected to our mission and critical to ensuring the well-being of our staff and the communities we serve.
- Ensure that our team members have opportunities to grow, contribute, and develop.
- Acknowledge and dismantle any inequities within our policies, systems, programs, and services, and continually update and report on our organization’s progress.
- Practice and encourage transparent communication in all interactions.
- Lead with respect and tolerance.
- We expect all team members to embrace this notion and to express it in workplace interactions and through everyday practices.
- Ensure a wide range of experiences, perspectives, and skills to provide better solutions, drive innovation and creativity, and enhance decision making.
- Cultivate a culture that encourages collaboration, flexibility, and fairness to enable individuals to contribute to their full potentials, feeling valued and supported.
- Make incremental, measurable progress toward the visibility of our diversity, inclusion, and equity efforts.
- Build a diverse leader candidate pipeline by creating and supporting programs and policies that demonstrate the importance of diversity within leadership.